Larry Thompson



Press Kit



1.      Larry Thompson

2.      Larry Thompson in SHINE Cap

3.      Larry Thompson in Crowd Shot

4.      SHINE Book Cover

5.      Larry Thompson – Andy Warhol Poster

6.      Larry Thompson with SHINE Book Cover

7.      Larry Thompson in SHINE Cap with SHINE Book Cover

8.      Larry Thompson in Crowd Shot with SHINE Book Cover


1.      Press Release

2.      Fact Sheet

3.      What The Stars Are Saying About SHINE

4.      Larry Thompson Biography

5.      150 Things Larry Thompson Has Done

6.      Stars Larry Thompson Has Managed

7.      Larry Thompson Organization Production Credits

8.      Larry Thompson’s Star Test

9.      An Interview With Larry Thompson

10.  Are You A Dog Or A Cat?

11.  Pop-In-The-Oven Conversations

12.  The 99 No-No’s

13.  Larry Thompson With Celebrities

14.  Introduction For Keynote Speaker Larry Thompson

15.  Thompson Speaking - Pre-Program Questionnaire


View Speaking Demo Here

Fees and Terms of Conditions for booking Larry as a speaker are available upon request.  Please contact:

Robert G. Endara II
Vice President

Project Rise and Shine, Inc.

9663 Santa Monica Blvd., #801

Beverly Hills, CA 90210
310-288-0700 office

310-288-0711 fax



See you on Life's Red Carpet!


About Project Rise and Shine, Inc.: Project Rise and Shine, Inc. is a Los Angeles-based media company bringing together the collective wisdom of acclaimed Hollywood film producer, personal manager to over 200 Stars, author, and motivational speaker, Larry A. Thompson, with other eminent teachers, celebrities, writers, athletes, business leaders, and motivational speakers who have devoted their careers to helping people invigorate and enhance their personal and professional lives. Project Rise and Shine, Inc., delivers life improvement content via multiple distribution channels including online, books, television, print media, retail products, telecourses and live events. For more information, visit